Effective Marketing Presentation

Traditional marketing professionals have been expected to be natural at creating and delivering great marketing presentations.

With the advent of digital marketing, nonetheless, the benefits of old school presentation skills are usually overlooked or perhaps given very little significance in a marketer’s skill set.

Modern marketers are not required to go door-to-door handing out flyers and pamphlets. The level of face-to-face interaction in advertising has been reduced to occasional networking events or perhaps marketing conferences.

Nevertheless, the power to develop a highly effective marketing presentation is still a prized skill in modern digital marketing. There are many use cases where this prowess is going to come in handy, such as:

When proposing a new advertising campaign or perhaps initiative, you might have to pitch the ideas of yours to your clients or superiors by giving a business presentation at a meeting.
When conducting a teleseminar or perhaps webinar for training purposes, addressing user needs, or perhaps launching a new item.
When creating marketing content for platforms like SlideShare as a part of your general content marketing strategy.
When you eventually decide to take up the challenge of becoming a speaker at one of the networking events or perhaps marketing conferences.

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1. Seize your audience’s attention
Start the presentation of yours with a bang by asking a dramatic question tailored to your audience’s most pressing pain points.

For instance, in case your topic is actually one thing on the lines of how you can boost your content marketing ROI, you are able to begin with a provoking remark such as “B2B organizations waste almost one dolars billion annually in ineffective and incompetent content marketing, are you contributing to that?” or perhaps maybe something like “60 70 % of B2B content created is never used because the topic is actually irrelevant to the buyer audience. Anyway, is your content in fact useful or perhaps junk?”

Igniting your audience’s emotions and painting a vivid image of the problems of theirs will force them to pay attention to the presentation of yours. Oli Gardner, who’s popular for his inspiring presentations on conversion rate optimization, has a striking approach to the presentations of his. He begins by presenting a couple of gloomy, despairing slides, and as soon as the audience is amply dejected, he swoops in with news that is good.

The objective of all this’s to get them hooked right off the bat, to grab the attention of theirs and get them focused on what you’ve to say.

2. Promise something and deliver it
After you have got them interested in what you’ve to present, it’s time to make some legit promises, just as you do in your daily digital marketing activities. For example, while developing a pay-per-click ad, you write a persuasive copy that promises to solve the reader’s problems, getting them to click through to the landing page of yours. Likewise, in case you’re writing a blog post, you use the power of storytelling to convince them to take some action such as click a call to action (CTA).

Have you ever seen a tutorial on YouTube? The the next time you do, note how all probably the finest quality videos are actually the ones in which the presenter makes it crystal clear what you will achieve within the first thirty seconds in case you watch the whole video. They show you the end result as proof that they understand what they are doing, and you will get what you came for.

So, in the case of the aforementioned remarks on content marketing ROI, you are able to promise the market of yours that you will show them the exact techniques you used to achieve the goals of yours (rankings, conversions, traffic, etc.).

3. Tell an engaging story backed by data
The one thing common among all effective presentations is exactly how they leverage storytelling and real life examples to get the point home.

You will find some truly amazing marketing quotes, but probably the best, most succinct one is actually: “At its very core, marketing is actually storytelling.” by Melinda Partin. The same applies to the presentations of yours. Basically, your market is a lot more likely to participate with the articles of yours in case they find it highly relatable and personal. A story offers that sense of connection by introducing a character (otherwise or fictional) who’s a problem you are able to solve. It creates a scenario that can’t be dismissed by the market.

Therefore, as you go through the slides of yours, use practical, real life examples to bind the presentation together cogently. It is as easy as telling exactly how you or perhaps another person implemented what you’re attempting to convey.

4. Have less slide content rather than more
How often have you sat through a presentation where the slides are so brimming with text that it can make the entire presentation ineffective?

Do not do that. As you might have heard, the average human’s attention span these days is pitifully low. When it comes to paying attention to elaborate presentations in conference settings, or perhaps remote presentations using a screen sharing tool, it might be even more terrible. Your audience likely has far better and much more urgent things to do than listen to you and your wordy slides.

So, what do you do? Work to simplify the slides of yours and include just the key points as written text rather than cramming them with the text you are supposed to speak (and explain). Use slides to support speech, not replace it. And the same as with examples and stories, include as many visuals (images, GIFs, videos) as possible to aid understanding.

5. Use humor wisely
Just since you’re presenting in a significant context, does not mean your presentation has to be bland or boring. Including some jokes here and there’ll increase audience engagement and retention of the articles of yours.

So, give the slides of yours a facelift by enriching them with relevant humor. This could take the form of witty wordplay, GIFs, and even memes. Nevertheless, be sure the humor is actually, actually, relevant to the articles you are presenting and not a distraction. Do not make it appear to be forced but natural.

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